A citrus scented adhesive remover in the form of an aerosol spray.
Not for sale or use in CA or OTC states.
Consult local air quality rules.
Use for removing adhesives, marker and crayon from walls, lockers, desks, glass, folders, and more.
Ideal for crafts and memory books. Lifts grime and grease from garage areas or work sites.
Leaves no residue.
A lot of industries are using this product as a general degreasing cleaner too.
Color: Clear Pale Yellow
Weight(KG): 1.300
FDA Listed Ingredient: The active ingredient is listed as GRAS, Generally Regarded As Safe at 21 CFR 182.20.
Formulated to replace virtually all commonly used solvents in hand-wipe cleaning processes including: 1,1,1-trichloroethane, acetone, CFC-113, HCFC 141b, isopropyl alcohol (IPA), lacquer thinner, methylene chloride, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), methyl propyl ketone (MPK), mineral spirits, naphtha, stoddard solvents, toluene, xylene and others.
Evaporates cleanly, leaving no/minimal (less than 1/10th%) non-volatile residue and exhibits a mild, pleasant citrus odor.
3M™ Adhesive Remover evaporates more slowly than the mentioned chemicals, which can result in substantially lower overall chemical use volume and the resulting VOC emissions.
Also, rags and wipe-towels do not dry out as rapidly between uses and normally do not need to be as wet as with the highly volatile chemicals mentioned.
Useful for cleaning and surface preparation prior to painting, bonding, coating or further processing of parts.