3M 06068 946ML PERFECT IT No.3 Ultra Fine Machine Polish
Eliminates swirl marks and produces high gloss finish
Excellent for dark colored vehicles
For use after polishing step
Wipe haze with detail cloth
The Number Stands For:
3M No.1 is a fast cutting rubbing compound designed remove sand scratches and leaves a fine finish on automotive paints.
3M No.2 is a high Performance Machine Polish. Quickly and effectively removes compound swirl marks and produces an outstanding finish. Good handling, easy cleanup.
3M No.3 produces a swirl free finish even on black vehicles.
Quickly and effectively removes fine machine polish swirls. Outstanding finish.
The unique formula eliminates swirl marks and produces a high gloss finish, even on the most difficult dark colored vehicles.
The Perfect-It Brand: 3M’s Highest-Quality Solution for Coated Surfaces
The Perfect-It brand signifies the most consistently outstanding finish at a minimum of time and expense to obtain a premium like-new appearance.
Each 3M Perfect-It product has been scientifically developed for the highest performance during defect removal, scratch refinement, compounding and polishing.
Together, this complete range of products, backed by the technical expertise of 3M, comprises the Perfect-It brand – representing total excellence in preparing and finishing paint and gelcoat surfaces, for each job and for your entire operation.
Color: CREME
Weight(KG): 1.000
3M 06068 946ML PERFECT IT No.3 Ultra Fine Machine Polish
Quickly and effectively removes fine machine polish swirls.
Outstanding finish.
The unique formula eliminates swirl marks and produces a high gloss finish, even on the most difficult dark colored vehicles.